Saturday, March 15, 2008

Reporter turned St. Peter

It is insane that respect or value for one's life be determined by morals or lifestyle one prescribes to. It may not be the case predominantly but it apparently exists strongly enough to appear on MSN News.

This reporter, Nycil George, feels that Scarlet's mother is unjustified in raising a hue and cry over the slackness in which her daughter's murder case has been handled. The reason being her choices in life which he believes does not warrant credibility to raise or have concerns. Who made him God!

He obviously suffers from a colonized complex! Get over it!! We're 61 years out of it. "Dark Secrets" he says. 'Mind your own business' sounds familiar? How is any of her personal details pertinent to the case? How does knowing Scarlet's and her mum's choices make it ok to be raped and murdered? A no is a no.

I'm annoyed that there's no provision to leave comments or e-mail him on his trashy, moralistic crap he calls NEWS. He plays it safe though. He says "the media" propagates details of Scarlet & Family while he does and queries whether her mother's statement should be taken seriously at all cause she's British!

Grow a spine!

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